Monday, August 11, 2014

Lake Masters Provides Fish for Aquatic Vegetation Control

One of the most environmentally friendly ways to manage aquatic vegetation control in your pond or lake is through fish stocking. While natural lakes tend to stock themselves, that is not always the case for man made features. Sometimes even natural features need a little help with the fish population to help maintain a healthy ecosystem. Lake Masters will work closely with you and localconservation authorities to develop a customized maintenance program thatincludes introduction of appropriate fish species into your waterways. We have a variety of levels of fish stocking services, one of which is sure to be appropriate for your local ecosystem.

Lake Masters specializes in introducing and maintaining appropriate levels of three different types of fish for aquatic vegetation control. We commonly recommend triploid grass carp, tilapia and various types of game fish, depending on the types of aquatic vegetation you need to control.

Lake Masterswill recommend triploid grass carp for control of vegetation such as Hydrilla,Pondweeds and several other submersed weeds. They are not effective on Hygrophila, Bacopa and filamentous algae, also known as pond scum. Grass carp can also negatively impact beneficial plantings, some of which may be important for sportfish habitat and waterfowl food. Grass carp may also result in algae blooms and reduced water clarity. When compared with other types of controls, grass carp are inexpensive because of their ten-plus years of effectiveness.

Tilapia are effective at controlling filamentous algae. Good populations of these tropical fish can eat enough algae to dramatically improve the aesthetic value of your waterway and also limit the need for algaecides, making them good for lakes with recurring algae problems. Tilapia reproduce prolifically and can sometimes cause unintended problems in lakes, so carefully consider the decision to stock them.

Sometimes older lakes can have a break down in fisheries hen predators such as eagles and other birds, alligators, turtles, otters and anglers take out too many fish. Low game fish populations can negatively affect the entire local ecosystem and disrupt the food chain. The expert can recommend nutrients to improve waterway ecology while also providing highly sought after game fish at economical prices for our customers.

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