As commercial buildings, suburban neighborhoods and other
urban features move further out into areas where waterways, wetlands and
preserves are common natural features, the need for erosion control to maintain
and protect the environment becomes even more essential. Here at Lake Masters,
we offer a variety of lake management solutions that will help maintain the
integrity of water features as well as minimize erosion.
Erosion happens through a variety of natural processes such
as water, wind and ice that loosen and remove soil and rock. Geological erosion
involves soil removal as well as soil formation and distribution. Man-made
erosion can heighten natural erosion and includes breakdown of soil aggregates
and increased leeching of organic and mineral particles. Soil erosion that
occurs at construction sites may be caused by clearing, grading or otherwise
altering the land. When these activities occur, ongoing erosion control
measures are required to help maintain land in a natural state.
Lake management controls such as buffer zones adjacent to
water features can help maintain the quality of water in your immediate area.
Sometimes these buffer zones can be riparian or flow-through wetlands that can
help increase or maintain water infiltration rates. These areas can also help
decrease of maintain runoff and the conveyance of pollutants to water resources
in addition to minimizing soil erosion.
Erosion control within your local watershed is important
because sediment that accumulates in channels, culverts and other water
features can also undermine the ability of these waterways to convey storm
water, thus undermining overall environmental stability.
Because every lake management situation is different, we
utilize a variety of erosion controls to maintain the integrity of your water
features. These controls can include littoral shelves, a type of wetland area
located within a lake to improve water quality. Plants chosen for these areas
are selected for their ability to reduce nutrient loads and contaminants produced
by runoff. They also provide habitats for fish and waterfowl, thereby improving
the ecosystem. Similarly, removal of invasive plant species that clog your
local water shed will not only improve the aesthetics of the area, but also
improve overall environmental health.